The Flogging Molly concert is a restored and live-based show by the who. It will be played from the Vina Robles Amphitheater in vina robles, california for the first time on september 12th. The concert is produced by the who's offical partner company, bbc wales.
the Flogging Molly concert was an exciting event for the Vina Robles Amphitheater. The band was announced by their soundman after the fact and they looked great as they played their catchy tunes. The crowd was engaged in the show and it was great to see the positive impact their music has on the attendees.
the Flogging Molly concert is a
- the music is unique and amazing, something that will have you dancing all night.
- the event is at the Vina Robles Amphitheater, so come on out for a ride!